Cocoa and Exotic Fruits
Stick Tartlet

Ingredients / 12 people

12 x raw cocoa base sticks

Small meringues with poppy seeds :
100g egg whites
200g caster sugar
15g poppy seeds

Exotic mousse :
100g passion fruit puree
100g Mango puree
100g Banana puree
300g UHT cream
50g Brown sugar
8g Jelly

Fruits :
Bananas, Passion fruit, Mangoes

Step 1:

To be made the day before: Make small meringues with poppy seeds:
Mix the egg whites and caster sugar and heat the mixture to 60°C in a bain-marie. Beat the meringue with a mixer and add the poppy seeds. Arrange small meringue wedges and sprinkle with poppy seeds.

Bake at 100°C for 1h30 and leave to dry for 1 day at room temperature.

Step 2:

Bake the tart stick bases at 175°C for 14 minutes

Step 3:

Chef’s tip: For a better hold over time and to prevent moisture from returning too quickly, you can waterproof your base with dark chocolate or cocoa butter using a brush or air gun

Step 4:

Making the exotic mousse

Whip the cream and sugar into a soft whipped cream, melt the jelly and pour it into the fruit puree mixture. Stir the whipped cream into the purée in three stages, the mousse should be soft but not liquid.

Make a nice quenelle of mousse with a piping bag.

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